So I was up, wide-eyed and
bushytailed for day two of our recording brother had
gotten back to the motel room very late and I was reluctant to wake
him up with so little sleep but I was up and around and he got up and driver body clock, I guess.
We piled out of the motel and I
probably owe him a lifetime of fruitbaskets for actually carting me
around Nashua for the purpose of the Apocalypse Krew. He needed some
We puttered around South
Nashua for a while and at this juncture I have to go off on a
tangient regarding the ubiquity of chains.
At this point (as previously
stated) it had been ten years since I'd been in that part of the
country...and my last trip to New England had largely seen me hanging
around in Mass. My brother and I were both hankering for
Breakfast....back in the day I would have probably opted for
something greasy at Bickford's. Now, there IS actually still a
Bickford's in (I think) Acton, MA, but the two stores in Nashua had
shuffled off this mortal coil a long time ago. The South End
Bickford's had been replaced, unceremoniously, by Walgreen's, which I
believe, though I could be wrong, had a CVS across the street from
it. (Seems to be the case in many locations---I imagine Pharmacy
Gangbangers engaged in drive-by shootings, but that's just my funny
way of seeing things)
Shit, could get me
going off in a hundred different ways about the closing of the
map---I look around Nashua and then I look around
Fayetteville-----what used to be Lechmere is now Target and I'm like,
yeah----we've got one of those, too. Bickford's is now Walgreen's,
and of course, you can't get away from those. Panera? Yeah, yeah,
yeah, we've got one of those, too.
At least there's still a
goddamned Barnes and Noble. It's nice to know folks in either town
are still reading....don't even get me started on the incremental
death of record and video stores unless you want an all-day screaming
We initially opted for IHOP and
discovered in fairly short order that they weren't even open. Chris
disclosed to me that they might not be open some days because they
were having a hard time “hiring cooks”.
Oh. Wow.
Maybe time to start
treating your workers better, IHOP?
In the end we opted for drive
through action. Hey----I got a large coffee...I was good to go.
The slow, creeping erasure of
localism is always a bone of contention with me...Mike and I would
later have a conversation regarding this----he espoused the notion
that we might all see accents going bye-bye in the next decade or so.
He might be on to something.
When Heather and I first got engaged she and my brother wound up on
the phone together---he asked her if she'd been born in California.
Now, Heather was actually born
and bred in Arkansas. You'd never know it talking to her...if you
talk to her Mom, she's about as Southern as anyone you've ever
heard....but you'd never guess it talking to my wife. for thought....fuel
for nightmares. Do with it what you will.
By the time we showed up at
North Main Music Mike was already there and we were ready to
We opted to start with “Pig”
on day would require a lot of screaming and yelling, so
there was no getting one's feet wet---I was jumping right in.
As stated in a previous
installment, if I wanted to give anyone a quick, hard, uncomplicated
dose of what the S.E. Apocalypse Krew were about it would be three
songs: “Threats and Warnings”, “Kid Eternity” and “Pig”.
“Pig” was unquestionably the
most brutal of the triumvurate----a fast, deliberately obnoxious
blast of pure, non-diluted hostility for hostility's own sake.
I think I'd written the lyric
(or a rough approximation of it) in the mid-80s...pre-Apocalypse
Krew, around the time I'd gotten into hardcore punk---it was a great
vehicle for a lot of my frustration, issues with authority and what
have you. By the time Mike and I had formed the band it became a
natural keeper....we had a lot of rage to get out of our systems.
“I don't like you, I don't like
You talk too much, you stab my
Ask too many questions I don't
wanna answer
Your values suck, you'd better
change your act
I hate your guts, I hate your
You badmouth everybody, I hope
you die
YOU'RE A PIG (x4)”
What no one—especially in
this politically dainty day and age----will ever under understand is
how much fun we had with this song, or how uproariously funny we
always found it.
There was never any finesse to
this...we didn't revisit it with an iota of new maturity----pure
fury, rage and stupidity and precious little else. I screamed the
damned thing like a wounded warthog and the Krew rampaged along as
per usual----short, fast and blunt.
“Fry your ass, fry your ass
You make me puke, you make me
I'd rather die than talk to you
Go back to your hole, die in the
I hope you scream forever in
JESUS CHRIST!!!! How much do you
have to dislike someone in order to want them to “scream forever in
hell”?! Again, no one will probably ever understand how much we
bust up over this ridiculous song.
I initially considered this particular take of “Pig” much longer
than the original demos (and it may still be) and so I actually took
it upon myself to write additional verses for the new cut. In the end
I thought it was all too much and decided to let the song
“breathe”---maybe give Mike more room for some guitar
fireworks----and just go with the original words.
But in case you were
wondering, there are other lyrics, now, for “Pig”, which were not
recorded. So here, on my stoopid blog, for the first (and probably
LAST) time ever, here are the newish and unrecorded additional lyrics
for “Pig”. Enjoy.
“I want you dead,
you fucking prick
I promise it's not me, it's you
I can't live another minute
with you on this planet.
Motherfucker, you make me spew
Hate's a many splendored
I'm sorry for this little tiff
The world's too small for you
and me
I wanna push you off a cliff
Suck my dick, suck my dick
I'm sure you'll let me know
who's boss
You make me puke, you make me
I wanna nail you to a
Fun, or what? No?
How much must you
dislike someone to want to nail them to a cross?!!!
Mike had added a new
treat to the end of “Pig”---as the song screeches to an abrupt
halt a little loop of silly, sampled ragtime music plays the track
out. Impeccable? Nay, PERFECT, sez I!!!! I loved it! It was the icing
on the volatile cake, the Porky Pig stuttering “that's all, folks!”
On top of our mini-symphony of primal scream nuttiness.
And so day two
was officially underway.
“Rise” was “newer”
than some of the other tracks we were recording....which is to say
its genesis might have been early-to-mid-90s.
One or two
instrumental demos may have floated around at one point or another
but I never added a vocal to it----Mike was getting busy with Tristan
Park and a lot of my attention at the time was going into writing
and/or zining. The Apocalypse Krew was more or less over at that
point, though there were still these loose ends...I think there may
have been an initial lyric for it, but it was another “lost”
lyric like “Fear and Hate”----I was going to need to rewrite it.
Fortunately, unlike
“Fear and Hate”, I'd actually gotten a recording of “Rise” to
work from, so I'd actually managed, with some difficulty, to crank
out a lyric.
This was a fucking
HARD one and I'd labored over it off and on for months. What I wanted
to do, in a lot of respects, was write an S.E. Apocalypse Krew song
that would ride along with the old stuff but in a lot of ways be more
representative of “now”, mid-2010s. If I had an audience
listening to old songs of ours like “Pig”, “Threats and
Warnings”, “23” et. al., what would I want to tell them now
that I thought was important?
We took the title,
“Rise”, from a legend scrawled in blood at the LaBianca murder
site by the Manson family---we had thought of making it our first
album title and it fit in very well with songs like “Threats and
Warnings”. Musically, the song was an aggressive piece of work
that was like falling down a flight of stairs with no end in
sight---glorious main riff and then a rough-ass chorus that was like
a car crash----there was this weird mid-section that almost went into
what felt like waltz-time before ripping back into the main section.
I love this fucking tune.
In some ways, “Rise”
wasn't going to be that demanding a track on my voice because I was
almost going to speak-sing a lot of it. The chorus would require some
leather-lunged yelling, but other than that---not much wear-and-tear.
In other respects
it dawned on me, very late, that this was going to be very difficult.
The lyrical structure of “Rise” was DENSE. Rhythmically, it was
similar to Black Flag's “In my Head”(albeit a lot meaner)---a
busy song with a busy, bunched-up lyric that went along with it and
precious little room to breathe.
It was going to be
very difficult to get this thing out of my mouth onto a was going to be very difficult to jump from one line
to another---let alone from one verse to the next.
This is me at age 54,
with no practice and no practice space, having not really sung in any
capacity in about 20-plus years. If the circumstances were different
it might have been another story, but the blessing of this whole
digital recording thing they do now is we could tackle the song line
by line...
The choruses were easy in
that it was just me screaming “IIIII WIIIIILL
RIIIIIIIIIIIIISE!!!!!!” over and over. The rest wasn't too
demanding on my larynx but they were a tongue twister and I would
have to hit one line at a time.
“This is
your window so listen up now
I ain't got the time to be
I've got no compunctions 'bout
hammering down
Don't tell me you wouldn't if
you knew you could
You can't get no traction and
so little action
with the victim
mentality holding you down”
This borders on a
direct contradiction of stuff I wrote in the '80s like “Kid
Eternity” where people were telling me “life is what you make it”
and I felt like some kind of a victim---and yeah, phrases like that
still feel like a dismissive tactic to me, but if old geezer me was
to tell anyone listening to our music right now anything it would be
don't play victim, don't act like a victim and don't trust those who
do---be a goddamn warrior!!!!! Don't knuckle under to anyone and
don't let 'em play you for a chump.
“Losers and
squids blow away like debris
Nothing can stop
my apocalypse now
doggin' it, teeming around
leading to nowhere and no
one knows when
What would they do if it all
came down now?
We're bringing it
down so it's a blessed event”
Here I'm copping some
rhetoric from my public access show, “The Abbey of the Lemur”,
more or less verbatim. Our original “schtick” on the show was
that we were a loveable death cult and the audience could come along
and laugh along with our quest for world domination and generalized
“swim with the
tide and you just might survive”
A tip of the hat to
New Age author Shakti Gawain, here. Which would probably horrify her.
“You can cover your ass
or be crushed by the wave
A nation of numbskulls
can't hold us back”
And a tip of the hat to Public
“If you've got a problem
get out of the way
“Dregs of the world
your wakeup call's here
If they side-eye you tell
them you're no one they know”
We had this surly saying in
the Apocalypse Krew anytime anyone looked at us askance or with any
kind of curiosity----”no one you one you one
cute....” defiance and resentment.
“If they give you an
attitude death from above
You give them fair
warning saying look out below
You can't run the ratrace
when the rats always win
Now is the time to let
it explode”
And of course, “Explode” is
a BIG Apocalypse Krew self-reference. Yeah, we're cheeky.....we're
Two down, several others to