Tuesday, December 31, 2019


reviling the mirror perversion, mercury blasphemy, this stain, this ache, this blot on his soul. Pug is true to his stigma—chases those parked cars, bashes his fool nose in---pokes, heaves. Pug huffs and crawls, humps cruel linoleum. Climbs, laughing, cursing his forsaken flab, his opaque, his fishwhite. Mounts porcelain face first, groans, retches---cascade of resentment and broken expectations. Purulent dream. Shuddering. Pug natters, ugly powdered hailstones, pelted with psychic pains, learns no lessons, hands over his head, sputters, rattles. Blessed mess, immaculate decline.
Muscles grind, constrict and Pug bites at the strings of a liquid rainbow, vivid filth. Permanent stains in toilet, in sets color, decoration. Bitter bane, gastric walls of acrid colors...shit tube wells in revulsion, forever a graffiti salad. Pug heaves, pulls remnants of spew away from his flat, unrequited face—Pug pelts off-sterile white from his drudgery and existential bathroom woe. Throws darts at his own eyes---conjures thorns for your braincake.
Hitting the floor with a meaty pug thud, Pug whispers curses to his dull, limp pallor, throws hatred and disdain toward his genitalia dangling sorry—exercise in vile science Pug cools forehead on cold appliance---fever broken reverie, indulgence suicide. Pug hates full-on, jealousy smashes bugs in multitudes----

Copyright 1991 C.F. Roberts, 2019 Molotov Editions

THE GUN CLUB-Mother Juno
SWANS-Leaving Meaning
KING CRIMSON-Larks' Tongues in Aspic