Friday, January 4, 2019


Banged out some new lyrics. Okay....slight exaggeration. They've been floating around in my head from anywhere between 2 or 3 months and over a decade. But you know, when you can't get rid of the noise in your head, there's really only one answer, and that's to put it out in the world. Aren't you lucky?
So, officially, then, welcome to the first new blog of 2019....


Everybody Knows
that the deck is stacked and the pigs are laughing
Everybody Knows
Even the white hats are bought and sold
Everybody Knows
The arc of history is long and pointless
Everybody Knows
all this shit is getting old

Everybody Knows
that it's game over and you get nothing
Everybody Knows
you eat shit at the end of the day
Everybody Knows
that when they smile they're not your friends
Everybody Knows
Past the facade they've got zero to say

Everybody Knows
the temptation's great to pack it in and go home
Everybody Knows
it's too fucked up to work anymore
Everybody Knows
the night won't end but the sun also rises
Everybody Knows
you've gotta find a reason to get out the door

Everybody Knows” came to me in a dream. Quit laughin', it happens. My zine came to me in a dream, and that was actually a thing for a while. In the dream, I was trying to join my “band” on an outdoor stage. I was having to crawl across this metal grating that was suspended ten feet over the ground and I was having to crawl out on my hands and knees. The band blew through the first couple of numbers in the set while I struggled out, and the bassist, a small woman with a moss green dye-job, took over yelling duties. When I finally made it to the stage they handed me the mic and I yelled this song (note that I always refer to it as “yelling” rather than “singing”), never getting up from my hands and knees. The song has haunted me for a couple of months, now, so there it is. The only line I really solidly had was the last one---Yeah, life is shit but you gotta man up and keep goin'. Existential-Core.


The speed of the cycle is starting to slacken
the spokes of the wheel are cold and cracking
You don't wanna be the just-home headline
when these defects start to unwind

And in the night
While you're going to sleep
We come back, we come back
We come back, we come back

The pace of the cycle's too fast to manage
the center of the wheel is hot and damaged
a few more junkers thrown on the scrap heap
one more mongoose screaming for upkeep


If this one doesn't work they can suck me
The center of the wheel is white and fluffy
it ain't like all of the brickbats 'll hurt me
It's coming up on beer thirty

The exit might be a little too bumpy
we go to the ground, it's called winning ugly
If you don't think the dead come alive
You should see the place at quitting time


This one's been kicking around my head for well over a decade at this point and it was too strong to resist. The genesis of it was inspired back in the day when the Rude were making the rounds and I'd occasionally try to pen lyrics for them. This one was always floating around just below the surface.
The two songs that actually provided me with rhythmic templates, weirdly enough, were “Bloodsucker” by Deep Purple and “Distant Illusion” by Flipper. Contradictory pairing? Maybe, whatever. It worked for me.
The imagery might seem obtuse and surreal. Most people who knew me back then will read this and know the references and get where I'm coming from because I spent 11 years working graveyard shift in a wheel factory. I think it goes over better if you DON'T know that. “What the hell is this 'wheel'? Some kind of metaphor?!" No----it's just a wheel, ponyboy, but whatever your read is, it's probably more interesting than mine.


You're a white knight and you're on the make
but you'll play it cool and you ain't gonna fake
You've got plans
You've got plans
You're gonna treat her right and show you're a man

You're a white knight, regular paragon of chivalry
you've got cred, you even voted for Hillary
You've got plans
You've got plans
You even pimped out your shitty old van

You're such a nice guy, uh-huh
you're such a nice guy, uh-huh
such a nice guy
'til she tells you “No”

You're a white knight and you've worked on your lines
Cry on my shoulder, baby I got the time
You've got plans
You've got plans
She's gonna be eating out of your hands


You're a white knight with egg on your face
Big night down the drain, what a disgrace
You had plans
You had plans
Now you've gotta a hot date with your right hand


A big trope with the S.E. Apocalypse Krew was a whole slew of Guy-who-can't-get-laid songs. As far as what made it out onto the album, “Keep Walking” is probably the big example. “Melissa” and “First Stare” also edge into that territory but not really. One back in the 80s and 90s we did that also wound up having a couple of different demo versions (of varying quality) was one called “Dog Boy”, which I always jokingly referred to as our “Bon Jovi Song”----it was certainly one of our more accessible numbers---but it kind of tread the waters of “miserable sad sack develops a crush on this chick and gets nowhere”----all done kind of humorously with some great, funny lines (I thought so, anyway). For every “Keep Walking” and “Dog Boy”, though, there were half a dozen similar ideas half-written, with titles like “Looking for Rejection”, “Jeal-Lousy” and “The Night is for Lovers”, which eventually evolved into a short story...we went to that well a lot, and I guess my attitude is, if you're going to go to that well you need to make it a little different and new....
White Knight” might be kind of a related item and it popped into my head, likewise, late last year and became a I came up with the idea of a song about “nice guys”, who-----when you scratch the surface just a little, are really just dicks. The title was gonna be there, no matter what, because it was too apropos to leave alone. The obvious tie in with Incel/Red Piller culture is there, and as I've said a few times before, I've got no love for that kind of toxic mindset. But obviously----what can you do? The whole “White Knight” trip is an actual thing----you trot it out and everyone knows exactly what it is and nobody likes it-----even the guys who ARE “white knights” don't like it.
The rhythmic template going through my head for this one was early Plasmatics tunes, primarily ones like “Master Plan”, “Butcher Baby” and “Headbanger”. Ran it by the Missus, who looked at it an immediately identified it as kind of “a kickass punk rock tune....I could see an all-girl outfit doing this, like Easy Hate Coven....”
Yeah, there you go----Happy 2019.

Song lyrics copyright 2019 C.F. Roberts/ Molotov Editions. Extraneous ramblings courtesy of your Mama.