Tuesday, December 15, 2020



Now it's gym, a year ago, and we're playing soccer outside. I'm the goalie, not by choice. Everyone wants to kick ass in the field and be a Real Man. They also want to win, which is funny as hell, because they made me the goalie.

“I don't want to be the goalie,” I tell them. “I can't catch the ball, and... “

“You get in that net and stop those balls,” says Gossling, “or I will stop you. Hear me, bitch?”

“Get in there, faggot,” helps Bryan.

Ultimately, in spite of these dickweeds, I decide, what the fuck? I'm stuck with it and I may as well try my best with what meager sportsmanlike coordination I have. I put a considerable effort into stopping the first goal. I fail.

“You fuckin' faggot,” screams Eric Holmes. “Catch the fuckin' ball!”


“Hey,” I try to tell them, “I told you I wasn't good at...”



“Stop those fuckin' balls, you faggot, you goddamn retard! And you'd better not fuck up!!!”

Twice I try, for some reason. Twice I fail.

Gossling, screaming and spitting, “WHY THE FUCK DON'T YOU STOP THE GODDAMN FUCKIN' BALL????? PETTET, YOU FUCKIN' MORON!!!!!!!”

“Well,” I begin.


“Well,” I continue, as he keeps yurching, still hoping maybe the voice of reason can squeeze itself in edgewise somewhere, “if you don't like the way I do it, maybe get someone in here who can...”


Another round. The other team goes for their goal. I stand aside and let them get it.



“YOU STOOPID SHIT!” Roars Gossling. “YOU STOOPID FUCKIN' FAGGOT, YOU LET THAT BALL GO THROUGH, YOU FUCKIN'...”And I spit in his face and start walking off the field.

“YOU FUCKIN' SONOFABITCH!!! YOU FAGGOT! YOU STUPID, SHITTY, FUCKIN' COCKSUCKIN'...” He lands a nice, hard punch on my back.

“Let him go! Leave him alone,” hollers Coach Giras. I exit the soccer field. I sit in the dirt and think about guns.

Copyright 1990 C.F. Roberts, 2020 Molotov Editions.

This'll be my final blogpost for 2020. Hope the end of the year finds you well. Yeah, I know it's been a haul. Lost a kitty who meant the world to me. Got a new precocious little runt that looks uncannily like both him and his late sister. Lost a stepsister. Goddammit, though, I got a book published (which you should buy)


and just finished writing a new one. So, blessings, curses, the whole shebangabang. Not to sound flippant over the whole thing---just the crazy ebb and flow of life.

OH---YEAH----we had an election, and the winner was....Goldman Sachs. Again. I've pretty much divorced myself from electoral politics at this point and consider it to be a destructive, worthless waste of time. In January I'll probably pen a postmortem on the 2020 spectacle and/or the Trump years in general. If you're in the tank for either Trump or Biden, know up front that I hate them both with the intensity of a thousand suns (anyone who knows me knows this) and you're probably not going to like what I have to say. Be there or be square, Juice Dogs.


  1. SNIPS-LaRocca

  2. THE ROLLING STONES-Let it Bleed

  3. SHARKS-Jab it in Yore Eye

  4. ALICE DONUT-The Untidy Suicides of your Degenerate Teens

Monday, November 23, 2020



  1. momanddad tell measachild to avoid ingestion of lead paint chips

which have been clinically proven to contain arsenic slash cyanide slash

strychnine slash lsd slash cocaine slash heroin slash smog slash and slash

or less than the daily maximum allowance of riboflavin

too late the heroes for i'd already done my share of munching and so

was rendered fuckupforlife

later on in the screaming, skinned knee schoolkid days other children

ran from me because i glowed in the dark like an aurora monster model

icing vegetation within a thirty foot radius o lookathim lookathim in my

superman suit but what was happening wasn't my incredible powers it

was gang abuse, was alien virus haunting, unshakeable

now older on my stage refusing to act my age this is me let it be

BRAIN IN A CAGE and proud red sign flickers for your loud, hoary

approval and i open my cranium spurting





to show you.


    1. meanwhile, in comfy suburbianestledinnowhere, leaveittobeaverbradybunch

      man finds himself irritated by BORED meeting, comes home to ralph the

      cocker spaniel and the kids who are playing with their beav and wally dolls

      while watching the cabbage patch kids on tv. Wife has a rolling pin and is

using it to beat the dust out of the cat, three weeks dusty but at a later time

determined to be three weeks dead

“hi, honey, got my wall street journal and my beer in the fridge,” he smiles,

slipping the youngest son into the sock drawer,

“oh, i'm fine,” wife trills, windexing the toaster

with a wistful, faraway glance she dreams picturesque reveries of burying a

meat cleaver in his forehead and WOULDN'T IT BE NICE sing the beach boys

on environmentally-controlled radio

    1. “hi,” i say to her sad eyes as godzilla dismounts from his holy ass

4 x 4 and caves my face in for talking to his girl

i bite him in his flabby alcoholic tit and run for pride, vaunted, exalted PRIDE

is a negligible frill in the face of self preservation

tearful in my fool beer it always ends this way

nursing my bruises i plot to neuter the evil bastard and his porcine slut

while they sleep

this last, i think, will be paramount, satisfying cruelty

getting them right where it hurts most---in the raison d'etre

proud o scarred saint i become of these wounds for they name me martyr,

carrier of a little-recognized state of mind

and when they fade i am full of chagrin

    1. The convenience store spiel

      it's 7-11 and he wears a harley vest

      he leers and gags and spits and is boisterous and loud and

      unruly with his beer buddies and he talks about “lynyrd skynyrd”

      and “kickin' some faggot's ass” i try not to let him see me

      eyeing the comic books


      He's on his own mission

      he has own own fucking trajectory and it has nothing to do

      with that worm in the corner

      the blasphemy in his mind

      the flotsam barely thought or whispered

      the cardinal sin, fool, you bite back on every day

      in every aspect of this aberration you call a life:

      I AM.

      1. It was a dream i had once

        it was a sunny, clear day and i was waist deep in a pool it was

        my duty on that day to keep an eye on the baby ducks

        inordinantly large body count that day bouyant they would

        be but every now and then one would forget how to swim and

        so then drown


        duty then under circumstances saw me having to dredge

        up the bodies that had floated to the bottom of the pool and

        in the distortions of the dream the bodies had shriveled to the

        size of breakfast cereal marshmallows

        at the same time the abstract effect remained terrible and

        disturbed me profoundly because they retained the

        shape and color of ducklings

        about then i would hear the spectral burble of childhood

        enemies preparing to pelt me with rocks

        i would hear bomber squadrons droning in

        can you relate?

        Dream as recorded has no beginning and no formal ending

        it's just there, crucified in the time and the place of things

        suspended and that is all


        Playing with the ants.


        Don't look at me that way.


        Because they're more fun than people and they cause me no pain

        go away you suck you see the world through a rose colored

        vantagepoint of what OUGHT to be linear limited in scope

        deluded slash oppressive slash happy slash like all the others

        but is it real i think not people like you make me long to be

        attached to a respirator (as in DEAD)

        this is fun

        it's theraputic for me and

        who are you to play judge and jury because i choose to

        play with the ants please go away

      3. i was sitting in a small, family type eatery sipping

        on a cup of bad coffee gazing out the window i saw a

        murder being committed in the distance

        a man in a tank top chased a refined looking girl out

        of a beauty salon he was screaming at her smashing her

        delicate frame against a chain link fence she objected

        and struggled, her face beat red she tried to escape but

        couldn't i felt very frightened for her

        my bovine waitress poured me more bad coffee

        stared and smiled at the carnage “my husband did that

        to me last week,” she said warmly

        “why?” i asked

        “it was valentine's day, he wanted to give me a romantic


        “i'm afraid,” i told her, “i think we should get help, i think

        he's really going to hurt her”

        the waitress eyed me like i was a blasphemer

        “why?” she asked, “it's so obvious how in LOVE they are

        and who are you to come between two LOVERS? You

        make me sick, mister, enjoy your coffee!”

        she left me there to watch

        i became very upset and before anyone came

        to help the girl, the man killed her

      4. the cowboy movie spiel

        i'm the bad guy

        yeah i'm the bad guy

        i dwell alone in the corridors of stone

        and i lurk in the shadows while you live a lie

        i'm the bad guy

        i reached behind the mirror

        and fell inside a thousand hells

        but they're inside you as well

        and i want you to see them all

        so i'm the bad guy

        crowds cheer and canonize you

        when you seize the holy grail

        and i die puking from your bullet

        laughing at a private joke because

        THEY call you humane

        sunny face you head off with your lady

        while i weasel away tail between legs

        plotting your demise while she gnaws

        on your gristle

        there goes the bad guy

        you win congressional medals and

        kiss babies for those photo ops

        but only i see the shit piled up inside you

        i'm the bad guy


        lock your doors

        get the guns out of the closet

        it's the bad guy

        here comes the bad guy

      5. there is a lot of life in this city

        and much death as well

        and joy

        and sorrow

        love, we ought to go find it all, you and i

        take my hand...

        no, but no,

        but no

        we don't want to suffer the consequences of

        my having your hand, do we, now?

        i may be tempted to place it in my lap

        and so something revolting!


      6. ??!!SHROUD?!!!!!

        pariah shrill on the thundering hilltop

        pariah tirade and scream to the stormcloud

        overwhelmed, overtaxed by the juggernaut of circumstance

        falling, imploding, live cliffsummit in a futile, fetal sprawl

        murmuring strange litanies to the roaring, ravenous brine

        i i can't no i hurt i spike the sky the sky the ocean i oh no

        blooming i no i bug crush bug crush big looming i

        you caterwaul for order, definition

        you subdivide and subjugate

        and pariah rattling i splutter and inarticulate

        how do you define the scream of the nucleus in the

        soul's midnight?

        How can i explain OH GOD the snapcrackle of my


        How do i verbalize and inventory you this?

        i i i cliff crash wave foam rage shake i no swallow no

        consume no cry run hurt night i shrink

        on a cliff too high under a sky too wide

        over a sea deep and impossible

        i've become a paralyzed golem hexed by my vision

        this is not your priority list!

        This is not your subdivision sorter!

        This is not your regimented file cabinet!

        The water is war its tendrils clash in elemental incest

        beneath that,


        a big, new sky,

        another world


      7. life slows and stagnates congested

        red and yellow lights glare

        where are these modern gods, these heroes of the night?

        They lurk behind the churches and temples, torturing the

        meek and laughing

        i shall be hero-atheist, he who is unbelieving in the hero,

        the good man, the man of action

        for he is a lie and i am a witness

        i caught him urinating on me while i slept in the street

        he laughed and stood revealed

        the white knight's tinpot armor is soiled

        with the blood of thousands and your

        petty hopes and expectations are for nought

      1. Hell street gasps, grabs




        we children strove in the gas and machinery

        1. i woke to the sounds of footsteps on my roof

          (and the prancing and pawing of each little hoof)

          closed my eyes and prayed for the sun

          'cause a horrible monster who walks like a MAN

and speaks like a CHILD

saunters through the rows of ranch houses and split


whose inhabitants dream away in false security

to those in troubled slumber there are lights

in the stinking, charred tunnels and the only way out

might fail

but look to the end

look to the end

          1. Suburban leaveittobeaver man's eyes redden

            as he scans the shopping list:

2 dozen eggs slash waffles slash 1 gallon of milk

slash bread slash cheese slash 2 cartons of cigarettes slash

2 sides of beef slash 1 tube of toothpaste slash vegetable oil

slash 1 hammer slash 1 ball of cotton slash 4 ingrids slash

4 deuces slash 5 aces slash 6 bottles of tylenol

and realizes he forgot to go shopping

he pulls up in his driveway beside the ambulance

two white-coated simians emerge from the two-car

garage carrying a stretcher sheet covering a

tiny, humanish shape

he wipes the sweat off his brow and asks tearful wife

who is waxing the cocker spaniel,

“what's for dinner, honey?”


Shockbox Press Chapbook #3 copyright 1991 C. F. Roberts/ Shockbox Press. 

rev. 11/20 Molotov Editions

Friday, October 30, 2020



Anyway, so once again, dipping my toes into the Micro Novel Pool. I was scrolling down the blogs to see the first time I'd done one of these only to discover I'd never actually done Micro novels on the blog 'til the last blog. Sweet Jesus, I must have started those on MySpace, or Facebook Notes, or some similar sinking ship......

As such I'm kicking off with an oldie. This is one of my favorites.


A Micro Novel 

Neil tore across the second floor hallway. “Fuck this shit,” he roared, “I’ll take on all comers!!!!” He flung himself headlong down the stairs. It was a good day to be alive.

The rest are new:


A Micro Novel

It wasn't a move of great intellect, but you had to give me points for ambition as I scaled the levels of the queen to access that small stack of glass bowls & then lost my footing and went careening to the floor....careening? Carombing? Either way it was one helluva rush....the glass bowls went carombing (carooming, maybe?) off to the side and I think they may have broken....to make things worse the plastic pitchers rained down on me, bonk, bonk, bonk, all off my noggin.

Monique picked me up with her strong, sturdy arms and sat me up, asking if I was okay. I tried to be all nonchalant & I may have been concussed. Mild concussion, maybe? Yeah, I think so.

“I'll have to figure that out later,” I told her, “I think my brain's in the butter right now.” And I laughed & she laughed & we kissed.


A Micro-Pseudo-Gospel

Some rank amateur on AM Radio callously supposed one day we as a species might all blow ourselves to Kingdom Come in a nuclear war, well, buddy, that's my reality day in day out, no joke. Every morning me and my brother strap on our power packs and head out the door with our ray guns and we spend all day firing nuclear rays at people and objects. I mean, we clock in, power up the guns, spend the whole day skulking around the ruins shooting rays and then, after about a twelve hour day we punch our cards and go home, eat beef stew, etc. Rough days. The apocalypse is really that banal.

You should see the shopping centers. They're in warehouses that are only open two or three hours a day---randos set up stalls as they can grab them and everyone gets to haggle over what's left. One guy had a couple of lobsters. Real, according to Hoyle lobsters. I've already got a battalion of testy ocelots. I don't need any pets. Someone needed lobsters, though, I'll betcha. Someone always needs something.

They have upside down bowling alleys, it's nut, I don't know how they do it. The lanes are all on the ceiling, they're all lined with blue and white neon. Folks are up there in the middle of everything, rolling balls around, knocking over pins that fall up. I dunno....anti-gravity fields, or something.

I have seen the future, skeezix, and you're not gonna like it.  

GURVITZ (An introduction)

A Micro Overture

About eight cars from two towns, plus the feds, pulled up outside the bungalow. Right away it felt like no place anyone actually lived.

We'd all taken our places by the cars and hadn't yet gotten our shit together when people started moving out the front door---the perp, on his knees, pushed forward by Gurwitz and the other kid, what was his name? Nally. Gurwitz, I mean, right from the outset, is pistol whipping the guy, and it's terrible. You're not going to get a confession out of a guy if you knock all the stuffing out his noggin, and Christ forbid his damn lawyer's on the scene, right?

But Gurwitz keeps pistol whipping the guy, and the guy almost seems to be laughing at the whole thing......stunned, I guess, maybe concussed. Nally's not doing a goddamn thing, he's coming down the steps with his arms at his sides, watching the whole thing. Anyways, so there's this whole pull-apart and they cuff the guy and start reading him his rights, and as far as I can tell he was lucid enough to understand it....everyone kept having to hold Gurwitz back and he collapses into a pile, weeping like a baby, and he just keeps saying, “the bodies, all the bodies, Jesus Christ, the bodies”...

So we went inside.

Copyright 2020, Molotov Editions   

That last one is to be continued, obviously. You'll see.

     The rest of the year, obviously, is dedicated to finishing two books. Seeya on the flip, assuming we don't all die. Screw it----it don't matter....



2. TRICK OR TREAT: MUSIC TO SCARE YOUR NEIGHBORS-Vintage 45s from Lux & Ivy's Basement


4. SNFKR (homemade comp) 

Friday, October 9, 2020



     So I actually started coming up with the long-neglected form that is the Micro Novel this past week. I wrote like 6 or 7, I'll give you a few here. Don't say I never did nothing for ya.


(A Seriocomic Micro-dissertation in one act)

"You could toss the idea of cause and effect all day long, but consider this: If the hero of the story shows up in an Oldsmobile, what's the central point-----that he was in an Oldsmobile, or that he showed up?"

Wally skulked toward the back. The lecture had just begun and it was already too boring and pretentious.

He found the restroom and locked himself in. His salivary glands were going crazy. He knelt over the throne and spat repeatedly. His entire torso felt like it was about to implode. Finally the feeling passed. He sat down and shat like a horse. After that he stood up, turned around and threw up.

He puked standing, and all the blood vessels in his face exploded. He felt it burn hard across his cheeks and knew his face would be all red and blotchy when he came back out. He lay down for maybe twenty minutes. When he stumbled out the damned lecture was still going on.



A Micro Novel

The Meet and Greet did not go well. Some people can bring the whole room up and some people can bring the whole room down. Jeremy had some imagined beef with Knuckles and he was going to sink the whole room with it.

"What happened to the other singer?" Jeremy demanded.

"I'm the singer," said Knuckles.

"You weren't the original singer..."

"Yeah, I am."

"You aren't the guy on the first album," said Jeremy. That guy had a really low voice. You sound like Janis Joplin on a crack bender." Knuckles' face was darkening, but Jeremy seemed unphased by the whole thing. "I liked that first album. What happened to that singer?"

"I am that singer," Knuckles growled.

"How come you changed your voice, then?" Jeremy stared daggers through him.

"It's called throat cancer, you idiot," screamed Knuckles. Jeremy glowered and decided that sounded like it might be important or something. He kept his mouth shut the rest of the time.



A Micro Novel

All holy hell over the fragility of furniture and anything on the upended coffee table legally belongs to the floor. It's not an easy night as the goddamned spanking paddle has broken clean it half, cheap piece of crap that it is.

“Was”, not “is”. There's no time to get sentimental about these things.

The sad malfunction's not going to slow me down, though---I'm a bull in the China Shop writ large, bashing down norms, guardrails and your Mom's old bread pudding recipe. What'll I wreck next? What have you got?

I couldn't tell you word one about god, whatever that is---all I know is I go nuts when her lips form the word, “fondue”.



A Micro Novel

All over the kitchen, up and down the stairs, losing consortium and tearing her hair out, “all the bags, so many bags, where are all the bags coming from?!” She hailed from the Midwest, so “bag” kept sounding like, “baig”.

Punky just laughed the whole thing off. He was eating like a King.


So there's some of the latest fun. I go back and forth on "Stabby" because to me it's less a Micro Novel and more flash fiction. But who am I to split hairs? I think I said what I wanted with it; you clowns can bandy theory back and forth----I got less important things to do.

Copyright 2020/C.F. Roberts/Molotov Editions


DAVID BOWIE-Heathen, Aladdin Sane

VAN HALEN-Van Halen I, Diver Down


Thursday, August 6, 2020

I AM THE EXCREMENT: "The Second Wound" and fun with rejection letters

A few months ago, when Alien Buddha Press announced their “rejection” issue, allowing writers to bring forth their favorite rejected pieces and rejection letters, my first thought, was, damn....I wish I could find “The Second Wound”----moreover, I wish I still had the rejection letter from that one goth mag....

Well, lo and behold, here I am on the tail end of a move, going through some rando boxes of cripcrap, and guess what turns up?

--the SECOND wound--

You are the second wound. Does that distress you or please you? If it helps any, you're the second behind her and somehow the worst. It came as a jolt, because I never thought, in all my wildest, blackest dreams, that you would draw more blood than she. There you are, my dear, secondhand but ultimately lethal, but I still have to thank you, because your sting eclipses hers and I thought I'd never get through hers alive.

She was the golden, whirring blade of the west, a jewel, a sapphire turning into diamond in the setting sun of my youth's distressed autumn. Hope. A word I laughed, barking stonily at. Joy. Light. Love, for light and all such dazzling things. Excited, hands clapping with glee as though she were at the circus. She was the first wound, the bitter plateau that made my heart foolish, caring, expectant, insane.

Reckless was the name of my fall, all the while begging favors. Divination, ghosts lurking in cabinets, the voices I ran to, the voices I screamed for, an easy answer, a ray of hope, off on my hobby horse, examining frivolous trace elements of matters unscientific. All the while I was buoyant yet sinking in quicksand, groping for a branch, a root, an imaginary hand to hold on to, invisible warmth, a cold lie, a mountain untamed, and what it was, was sacred ground too high and foreboding for a lowly immigrant palmer, a fortress, the shrine untouched and unseen.

All bridges and paper towers must fall beneath the unsure feet of a mad, sad fool and with time these steps were torn asunder as I tried to balance myself on them. The Prettiest Girl in the World is groomed into royalty and so knows well her station in life. Her criteria are demanding and fruitful in achievement. Who shall she choose for her consort but the Prettiest boy in the world? And so in flash, a clear, sparking wonder, a world ends, a tiny world, insignificant, one that will never be missed, imbedded in the grainy pavement to be scrubbed away by a wretched civic lackey after the wailing morning editions.

And so she was the golden blade which struck me and drew that unlucky first blood—she was like the wide golden pathway paved with gems and adornmemnts. My body and my soul trembled, my hands shook and my knuckles whitened, on my knee alone and bowed, cowed against those castle walls, the unscalable fortress. No, over and over in a shaking, feverish litany, no, no, no, don't let it hurt, no, don't do this, no, not again, don't let it happen to me, a telltale sign, a sealed, oaken door, a dead end that cackled and proclaimed, fool! It happened to you before you even realized it! A world untouchable, untouched, a relentless cliff never climbed, never to be, never to be, foremost in an endless string of tragedies and aches and unheeded prayers.

An ending, but not an ending, because you are the second wound, the silver knife sheathed lovingly in an ornate, touching icon, camouflaged in a fairy tale skin. Your cool waters drove me helplessly your way and again I was pilgrim, beaten against the torrent, wanting and needing for a cure, an antidote for the leprosy, the damage of my soul.

But the soft, quiet glory sought was glory superficial, for you held that concealed blade and when salvation grinned at my addled eyes like a snake hypnotic or a tiger voracious the illusion laughed and pulled away. The Sacred Virgin is a statue, forged of granite, eyes of cold stone and this false, eleventh-hour hope, that small faith I held to my heart and so fleetingly entertained turned savage and gaping and tore me in half. This timid pilgrim approaching with bent reverence and the cautious eye of an injured child only seeking the warmth, the calm, the shelter of grace, an exit from these dark, lugubrious corridors, was surprised to be mauled by such treacherous beauty. I liken you to pitcher plant, fragrant, irresistable, inescapable and carnivorous. This is how we bleed and die, we impetuous insects, bleed and die, bleed and die. The rose in its blooming, pink allure entrances us, blinds us to the barb and leaves us torn.

Callous, iron multitudes passed my chalk outline and in despair I dragged myself away. Off the sidewalk and out of the rain-beaten gutter which was at this point sanguine with my dark discharge. I was half-paralyzed, wondering how to ever, ever walk, function, live or look straight ahead into the world again like I wasn't wounded and dead. I was seeing everything around me with shocking, new, crystalline eyes that weren't condescended to or lied to by futile hope or eager desperation. Mine were the stark eyes that saw through the shadows, the lyrical summers, the lovely screens and this world's lush, seductive contradictions. In my rage and disappointment I bellowed like a lost, trapped animal (which is what I was) and prayed to be struck blind forever.

I never asked for these feelings you and she have visited upon me and were I given the opportunity, the offer of false hope once again, if I had a choice in the matter, I would choose to be petrified, a thing of stone, and feel nothing. I am the excrement, the beggars in gray legions who crawl these cold streets. We try to rise above the flurrying traffic, holding up a frightened hand to reach out, seize a handhold and then our grasping fingers are trodden upon, broken.

Bedraggled and frozen, I crawled to the cathedral, held my battered body against its walls and cut my forehead on the stained glass. Bloodied forever, the pain, the ache drove me to my knees, drove me into a ball, a giant fetus on God's doorstep. Noooo, I cried, while the heavenly host sang in their intangible jubilation, noooo, not again, not again, don't let it huuuuurrrrt anymoooorrrrrre, crying out, shattered and choked like a broken mother bereaved of a soldier son. Not again not again nooooo, but yes, again. Again. Again, like a revolving door, like an assembly line, ongoing, repetetive, unending.


The ice, the roar of the vacuum, the disease unholy and toothsome in my innards I stumbled about the parchment harbor and I came to the blades, the mill, the concentration camp, the noisesome grinder where the fish are taken every day to be disposed of. The mass grave, surrounded by gratings, rusty, bloodstained tin walls and bridges which ride, brazen, discolored and unmoving, like the baleen of a long-dead whale and in between all of it, the dirty, used-up water is confined, semi-stagnant, where it lashes out against the structure with feeble, dying waves. The nets are dragged up mechanically from the water, pulling the fish up again and again for sorting, butchering and separation. Different bins are filled with different parts---the stripped flesh, the various internal organs—the bins are individualized for easy and even shipping and distribution. In the meantime, the bones and the heads, those visages, pictures of their shredded souls now wiped away, are dropped like so much mechanized stool into a Dispose-All Unit the size of Yankee Stadium and the blades whirr like those of a giant blender, pureeing it all into muck and the stench fills the air for miles.

I sit and watch it all and my face becomes dry, stretched, like leather. After a million bodies are destroyed, blessed oblivion creeps in to conquer me and it is all rendered abstract, meaningless.

Copyright 1990 C.F. Roberts, 2020 Molotov Editions

The Second Wound” was the granddaddy of all the Guy-Who-Can't-Get-Laid stories, along with the way-the-hell-too-long “The Night is for Lovers”, which I wrote concurrently in 1990, after I'd finally polished off my first novel. I found this manuscript for the first time in many years and ran it by my wife, who was sort of taken aback by the whole thing. “There are a few words and phrases that jump out,” she said, “but I've been reading your writing for years, now, and this doesn't read like you.”

Do with that what you will. You're on my blog---there's plenty to read.

The “story”, such as it is, is simple: When you strip away all the imagery, metaphor and flowery language, it's like, “I liked this girl, but she liked this other guy and I was bummed. Then I fell for this other girl and she rejected me, too. Now I'm really bummed.” Kind of a textbook example of raw emotion and very little substance wrapped up in a lot of fluffy, overwrought prose.

It was the early 90s, I was starting to actually pick up some publications and an ad came up in one of these zines I contributed to soliciting for poetry and fiction for consideration in this forthcoming Gothic magazine.

Gothic. Okay. “Gothic Literature”, as I understood it, was very purple, angst-ridden, fatalistic romance of the sort that was churned out by the likes of Goethe, the Bronte Sisters and so on. Gothic MUSIC was the label, as I understood, being fixed onto bands I enjoyed listening to like the Sisters of Mercy, the Cure and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds....again, gloomy, overwrought, depressing and fatalistic.....I'M THERE. You want Gothic Fiction, lil' magazine coming out of Maine? Have I got the ticket for YOU!!!!!

I sent out “The Second Wound”, which was a mainstay in my story arsenal at the time, as well as a newer one, “Fat Chance”, an equally depresso piece of work which you can find elsewhere on this blog (happy hunting!)

The lil' magazine out of Maine wasn't havin' it. I became well-acquainted with the editor at this point, who was not shy regarding constructive criticism nor about sharing her philosophies on writing, themes, philosophical approach and a variety of other things.....

She gave all kudos to my talent and my wordplay, but told me that, surely I must know how dangerous it was to objectify an individual as a “wound” or a “blade” or any such thing.....

Do WHAT, now?????

I learned a few things about political correctness at this time. So you couldn't use metaphors or allusions or other such writerly tools to describe an emotional state of being, because that's “objectifying an individual”.


Wanna tell me the story sucks? Sure, I'll buy that. Overwrought, solipsistic garbage? Okay. This “objectifying an individual” horseshit? No. Just fuck off a cliff with that nonsense.

She further told me that the character in the story deserved the heartache he suffered because he was weak and left himself open to it....she tried to sell me on Ayn Rand's ANTHEM, which I gave a pass to.....so, politically correct AND an Ayn Rand freak? Points for versatility, I guess.....she would later declare that she categorically refused to read all 20th century authors with the exceptions of Rand and Anne Rice----well, yeah, this lady was one of a kind....

She came back and told me, later that she'd decided that she'd be willing to run “TSW” as part of a compilation of “feminist horror stories”, as kind of a cautionary tale....I responded, not just with a no, but a HELL no, because that was never my intention with the story. Seriously....this lady was calling herself “Gothic”?

But I'm never one to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and I became a reader and supporter of the mag, which lasted a year or two....

VAMPIRES, huh? Wow. Didn't realize up 'til then this shit was supposed to be about VAMPIRES. Okay....

I did get several stories and poems run in the mag over the span of its existence, anyway---although I always found it kind of odd that my whiney guy-who-can't-get-laid stories were considered beyond the pale and “objectifying”, but my stories about predatorial psycho killers (who looked at their victims, more or less, as food, and usually came out of the stories with no comeuppance for their actions) were a shoe-in.

You never know.

There was perpetually a dig between us, though....she began pushing her idea of a literary revolution she called “outsiderism”, which near as I could figure was supposed to combine many of our underground/DIY ethic with her Ayn Rand aesthetics.....she described me in some editorial as ”a writer who uses his elastic command of language to promote ideas far afield from Outsiderism”....uuuhhh....not sure what “ideas” those might have been.

I think that she always perceived some imagined “rivalry” between us which was honestly never interesting to me. She projected this kind of highfaluttin' pseudointellectualism where in one instance she would be challenging “Miltonians” (people who like John Milton, I guess) over one thing or another and it was difficult to discern what her issue with Milton was---at another point she extended an invitation to me to attend some soiree up at her place in Maine, where he announced (in the mag) as drinks and discussion over the place of romance in contemporary art and literature....

NUH-UH!!!! Sorry, lady, it don't work that way! I'm not driving all the way up to Maine to be your foil in front of all your hoity-toity drinking buddies!!!!!

I'm not the champion of some supposed genre, nor do I have an agenda in pushing some abstract philosophy. I'm a fucking guy who writes stories, and THAT'S IT.

The Second Wound” would get a second lease on life in 1995, in the pages of BIZARA, an interesting little fly-by-night mag that used some interesting, if now-outdated computerized fonts and graphics that would become more commonplace in the next decade. So, at the end of the day, life was good.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

JEZEBEL'S WIG (A Caustic Lament)

    1. I'd gotten tired of peoples' expectations, which is to say everyone expected me to get over it, and none of them would have settled for my dirty shoes on a bet. They're soiled; they're venal. I'm white napkins on spiffy tables. And I know they want to railroad me.
“Deal with it,” she says, and he eyes are all gethsemane, e.g. don't pass this cup under me, Dad.
I grow weary of explaining these things.
Bustling multitudes of walking, phlegm-blasting, yellowjacket casualties ghost over the desert and beat on Jerusalem's door. They're carted off to well-wishing and tea on 18-wheel hearses of sad glory and obligatory fish fountains.
She readjusts her interchangeable coiff and that makes her blonde this week. She likes being a blonde. She excels at being a blonde.
The bodies stink around her, but even in the puke-and-piss-mired nightfall she retains a kind of infernal, unflagging stature. She'll burn all the bridges she must to get her heap of flapjacks. All others be damned, she is the Quintessential Entropy Device.
(Here it should be noted my Better looks over my shoulder and prods me, reminding me of the danger involved when one objectifies an individual as a “Device”. I hawk an erudite loogie and continue)
She rides in state among the festering carnage, trying to be subtle as she pulls up a stocking.

    1. There are too many Bathroom Gods wielding ball peen hammers to impress the compulsions of the weak. We need renovations.
Give me strange dogs, a la Bunuel and Dali. Throw it all out in the open. Give me the primal play of a baby's eye. Give me nails and tacks in technicolor.
Give me irresponsible rhetoric and action—only through unreasonable maneuvers can one hope to subvert the zeitgeist.
Give me a piss-and-vinegar outlook and a mask, a cap and a burlap bag so I might be a burglar of th latent mind. Give me actions above and beyond the deadweight of conscience and consequence.
Give me a horrific effigy god with a blunt barbecue tree stump snout. This deity will be the last word in terror. So terrible that he causes mean-spirited little men to weep in supplication and reconsider their paths in life.
Give me a crew of soaked miscreants too get drunk, ridiculous and sentimental with while oldsters in traditional lederhosen honk on alpine horns and batter accordions with percussive, padded cell furor.
Give me the raw of the movie stripped past the mind's vain distinctions of time and place, revert personage back to archetype, subtle aberrations of nuance and characterization to the most base level of grunting moral and skeletal campfire yarn.
Give me a life without apologies, a clear, uncut conscience not hampered by the nervous tremors of Should.
Give me a premature, hereditary widow's peak. Give me the best thighs on the regional poetry scene after she gets done fucking his image off her body. Give me the knife of her words to twist hard. It's the only defense I have left.
Give me a quaint coastal town, the platonist dream, the dullard standard of a writer's paradise, to strafe and raze and obliterate along with its entire population of fishermen, franco-american blue collar yobbos and yuppie tranquility fiends. What sane scribe can write in paradise?
Give me the ability to piss on a tiara and get past all of this.

'96 or '97, early days in Fayetteville, I think. Never published.

Copyright 2020, C.F. Roberts/Molotov Editions

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

"THE MEAT FACTORY" has landed

THURSDAY (The Sound of Tiny Planets Dying)
I HEARD HER CALL MY NAME (A Story of Devotion) 

This protein laden beast available now from the fine folks at Alien Buddha Press (Distributors of fine contemporary literature)

MINIVAN-Debut album

Wednesday, January 1, 2020


take another wild stab at
an entire damned house of
cards collapsing
where mortgage bubbles pop and
austerity grimaces from the ramparts
dogs and monkeys tell
cheap futures

when the next gaggle of regular joes
crumble under the weight of a
thousand dollar emergency
when the next dozen grenfells fall
and the yellow vests multiply

will I see you there
brothers and sisters?
Will you break bread with me
over oligarchs roasting on spits?

it all comes down to physics
applied pressure


it all comes down
