Monday, November 23, 2020



  1. momanddad tell measachild to avoid ingestion of lead paint chips

which have been clinically proven to contain arsenic slash cyanide slash

strychnine slash lsd slash cocaine slash heroin slash smog slash and slash

or less than the daily maximum allowance of riboflavin

too late the heroes for i'd already done my share of munching and so

was rendered fuckupforlife

later on in the screaming, skinned knee schoolkid days other children

ran from me because i glowed in the dark like an aurora monster model

icing vegetation within a thirty foot radius o lookathim lookathim in my

superman suit but what was happening wasn't my incredible powers it

was gang abuse, was alien virus haunting, unshakeable

now older on my stage refusing to act my age this is me let it be

BRAIN IN A CAGE and proud red sign flickers for your loud, hoary

approval and i open my cranium spurting





to show you.


    1. meanwhile, in comfy suburbianestledinnowhere, leaveittobeaverbradybunch

      man finds himself irritated by BORED meeting, comes home to ralph the

      cocker spaniel and the kids who are playing with their beav and wally dolls

      while watching the cabbage patch kids on tv. Wife has a rolling pin and is

using it to beat the dust out of the cat, three weeks dusty but at a later time

determined to be three weeks dead

“hi, honey, got my wall street journal and my beer in the fridge,” he smiles,

slipping the youngest son into the sock drawer,

“oh, i'm fine,” wife trills, windexing the toaster

with a wistful, faraway glance she dreams picturesque reveries of burying a

meat cleaver in his forehead and WOULDN'T IT BE NICE sing the beach boys

on environmentally-controlled radio

    1. “hi,” i say to her sad eyes as godzilla dismounts from his holy ass

4 x 4 and caves my face in for talking to his girl

i bite him in his flabby alcoholic tit and run for pride, vaunted, exalted PRIDE

is a negligible frill in the face of self preservation

tearful in my fool beer it always ends this way

nursing my bruises i plot to neuter the evil bastard and his porcine slut

while they sleep

this last, i think, will be paramount, satisfying cruelty

getting them right where it hurts most---in the raison d'etre

proud o scarred saint i become of these wounds for they name me martyr,

carrier of a little-recognized state of mind

and when they fade i am full of chagrin

    1. The convenience store spiel

      it's 7-11 and he wears a harley vest

      he leers and gags and spits and is boisterous and loud and

      unruly with his beer buddies and he talks about “lynyrd skynyrd”

      and “kickin' some faggot's ass” i try not to let him see me

      eyeing the comic books


      He's on his own mission

      he has own own fucking trajectory and it has nothing to do

      with that worm in the corner

      the blasphemy in his mind

      the flotsam barely thought or whispered

      the cardinal sin, fool, you bite back on every day

      in every aspect of this aberration you call a life:

      I AM.

      1. It was a dream i had once

        it was a sunny, clear day and i was waist deep in a pool it was

        my duty on that day to keep an eye on the baby ducks

        inordinantly large body count that day bouyant they would

        be but every now and then one would forget how to swim and

        so then drown


        duty then under circumstances saw me having to dredge

        up the bodies that had floated to the bottom of the pool and

        in the distortions of the dream the bodies had shriveled to the

        size of breakfast cereal marshmallows

        at the same time the abstract effect remained terrible and

        disturbed me profoundly because they retained the

        shape and color of ducklings

        about then i would hear the spectral burble of childhood

        enemies preparing to pelt me with rocks

        i would hear bomber squadrons droning in

        can you relate?

        Dream as recorded has no beginning and no formal ending

        it's just there, crucified in the time and the place of things

        suspended and that is all


        Playing with the ants.


        Don't look at me that way.


        Because they're more fun than people and they cause me no pain

        go away you suck you see the world through a rose colored

        vantagepoint of what OUGHT to be linear limited in scope

        deluded slash oppressive slash happy slash like all the others

        but is it real i think not people like you make me long to be

        attached to a respirator (as in DEAD)

        this is fun

        it's theraputic for me and

        who are you to play judge and jury because i choose to

        play with the ants please go away

      3. i was sitting in a small, family type eatery sipping

        on a cup of bad coffee gazing out the window i saw a

        murder being committed in the distance

        a man in a tank top chased a refined looking girl out

        of a beauty salon he was screaming at her smashing her

        delicate frame against a chain link fence she objected

        and struggled, her face beat red she tried to escape but

        couldn't i felt very frightened for her

        my bovine waitress poured me more bad coffee

        stared and smiled at the carnage “my husband did that

        to me last week,” she said warmly

        “why?” i asked

        “it was valentine's day, he wanted to give me a romantic


        “i'm afraid,” i told her, “i think we should get help, i think

        he's really going to hurt her”

        the waitress eyed me like i was a blasphemer

        “why?” she asked, “it's so obvious how in LOVE they are

        and who are you to come between two LOVERS? You

        make me sick, mister, enjoy your coffee!”

        she left me there to watch

        i became very upset and before anyone came

        to help the girl, the man killed her

      4. the cowboy movie spiel

        i'm the bad guy

        yeah i'm the bad guy

        i dwell alone in the corridors of stone

        and i lurk in the shadows while you live a lie

        i'm the bad guy

        i reached behind the mirror

        and fell inside a thousand hells

        but they're inside you as well

        and i want you to see them all

        so i'm the bad guy

        crowds cheer and canonize you

        when you seize the holy grail

        and i die puking from your bullet

        laughing at a private joke because

        THEY call you humane

        sunny face you head off with your lady

        while i weasel away tail between legs

        plotting your demise while she gnaws

        on your gristle

        there goes the bad guy

        you win congressional medals and

        kiss babies for those photo ops

        but only i see the shit piled up inside you

        i'm the bad guy


        lock your doors

        get the guns out of the closet

        it's the bad guy

        here comes the bad guy

      5. there is a lot of life in this city

        and much death as well

        and joy

        and sorrow

        love, we ought to go find it all, you and i

        take my hand...

        no, but no,

        but no

        we don't want to suffer the consequences of

        my having your hand, do we, now?

        i may be tempted to place it in my lap

        and so something revolting!


      6. ??!!SHROUD?!!!!!

        pariah shrill on the thundering hilltop

        pariah tirade and scream to the stormcloud

        overwhelmed, overtaxed by the juggernaut of circumstance

        falling, imploding, live cliffsummit in a futile, fetal sprawl

        murmuring strange litanies to the roaring, ravenous brine

        i i can't no i hurt i spike the sky the sky the ocean i oh no

        blooming i no i bug crush bug crush big looming i

        you caterwaul for order, definition

        you subdivide and subjugate

        and pariah rattling i splutter and inarticulate

        how do you define the scream of the nucleus in the

        soul's midnight?

        How can i explain OH GOD the snapcrackle of my


        How do i verbalize and inventory you this?

        i i i cliff crash wave foam rage shake i no swallow no

        consume no cry run hurt night i shrink

        on a cliff too high under a sky too wide

        over a sea deep and impossible

        i've become a paralyzed golem hexed by my vision

        this is not your priority list!

        This is not your subdivision sorter!

        This is not your regimented file cabinet!

        The water is war its tendrils clash in elemental incest

        beneath that,


        a big, new sky,

        another world


      7. life slows and stagnates congested

        red and yellow lights glare

        where are these modern gods, these heroes of the night?

        They lurk behind the churches and temples, torturing the

        meek and laughing

        i shall be hero-atheist, he who is unbelieving in the hero,

        the good man, the man of action

        for he is a lie and i am a witness

        i caught him urinating on me while i slept in the street

        he laughed and stood revealed

        the white knight's tinpot armor is soiled

        with the blood of thousands and your

        petty hopes and expectations are for nought

      1. Hell street gasps, grabs




        we children strove in the gas and machinery

        1. i woke to the sounds of footsteps on my roof

          (and the prancing and pawing of each little hoof)

          closed my eyes and prayed for the sun

          'cause a horrible monster who walks like a MAN

and speaks like a CHILD

saunters through the rows of ranch houses and split


whose inhabitants dream away in false security

to those in troubled slumber there are lights

in the stinking, charred tunnels and the only way out

might fail

but look to the end

look to the end

          1. Suburban leaveittobeaver man's eyes redden

            as he scans the shopping list:

2 dozen eggs slash waffles slash 1 gallon of milk

slash bread slash cheese slash 2 cartons of cigarettes slash

2 sides of beef slash 1 tube of toothpaste slash vegetable oil

slash 1 hammer slash 1 ball of cotton slash 4 ingrids slash

4 deuces slash 5 aces slash 6 bottles of tylenol

and realizes he forgot to go shopping

he pulls up in his driveway beside the ambulance

two white-coated simians emerge from the two-car

garage carrying a stretcher sheet covering a

tiny, humanish shape

he wipes the sweat off his brow and asks tearful wife

who is waxing the cocker spaniel,

“what's for dinner, honey?”


Shockbox Press Chapbook #3 copyright 1991 C. F. Roberts/ Shockbox Press. 

rev. 11/20 Molotov Editions

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